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Erica carnea (Ericaceae): Urze
History: Erica comes from ancient Greek meaning "break up" in reference to brittle branches and also in reference to his old medicinal use of dissolving kidney stones.
Culinary interest: none
Medicinal value: major plant of phytotherapy for its diuretic properties and urinary antiseptic (infusion of leaves and flowers) .I

Achillea millefolium (Asteraceae): Milefólio
History: his name comes from the Greek hero Achilles who would have used it to heal the wounds of Telephus, king of the Mysians. It has long been called carpenters' grass for its healing properties.
Culinary interest: young leaves can be used as a mixture of salads. The inflorescences perfume some desserts.
Medicinal interest: considered as the all-purpose plant, its main use is for women suffering from painful periods and digestive disorders during menstruation (infusion and / or mother tincture)

Ladaniferous rock
Cistus ladaniferus (Cistaceae): Esteva
History: its name comes from the Greek 'Kistê' which means basket referring to the shape of its fruits.
Culinary interest: none
Medicinal value: its essential oil is mainly used for its anti-bacterial, anti-haemorrhagic and healing properties. It works miracles on bleeding wounds (use externally)

Observations; The ash is not melífera, it has only medicinal interest,
Fraxinus excelsior (Oleaceae): Freixo
History: Ash is native to southern Europe and the shores of the Black Sea. Its clear, resilient, hard and durable wood is sought after for furniture, interior design, cabinet making, sporting goods and tool handles. Its leaves were formerly fed to cattle. A beautiful subject throne at the entrance of the village on the square facing the church.
Culinary interest: its foliage is used for the making of a refreshing drink, the shagreen.
Medicinal interest: we use the ash manna, it is an exudate naturally present in the leaves and the trunk, of acidulated and sweet flavor becoming "gummy" in the air. It is mainly extracted from the manna ash (Fraxinus ornus). it is used as a mild laxative especially recommended for young children and delicate people (we dissolve pieces of manna in milk or hot water).