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Local Gastronomy - Fajão
Old goat's meat (split into bites); Salt; Olive oil; Blonde; Whole garlic heads with bark; Cravinho; Red wine.

One of the secrets of the chanfana is its preparation. The meat should be placed inside a clay pot, preferably of typical black clay. It is then seasoned with salt, olive oil, laurel, clove heads and whole garlic, and finally with the wine until it covers the meat.
Usually a head of garlic is just washed.
Leave it like this from one day to the next.
Cover the cabbage with cabbage leaves or caps and get ready to be placed in the oven, preferably a wood oven,
ready in about five hours or a little longer, according to age of the goat.
There are those who mention one trick or another, such as seal the cover of the oven with a flour dough, to keep inside the all the aromas that come off the delicacy while are baking.
Once ready, accompany with boiled potatoes and greens, whenever the season is them.
Personally the champane eats better the day after the one of its confection.
Curiosities: As a typical dish of the Serra da Lousã area, much used on days of celebration and marriage, usually called "marriage meat".
12 eggs; 400 g of sugar; 1 lemon peel; Cinnamon; 1 liter of cold milk.

Mode of preparation
Beat the eggs with the sugar cinnamon the lemon peel and at last the milk is added little by little and mix well. At the end remove the lemon peel and pour the prepared in a bowl of glazed clay, leading to the oven to bake until golden crust (bake about an hour).
Mountain Soup
Potato, carrot, beans, garlic, onion, turnip, Portuguese cabbage, ham strips, olive oil and salt.
Mode of preparation
Cook the vegetables in salted water. After being cooked, separate some whole beans and mash the rest with the magic wand. Then add the beans, sliced carrots and finally the washed and ragged cabbages.
1 clove of pork, 1 kg of pork loin, 9 eggs, 5 cloves garlic, 1 sprig of parsley, cumin, salt, nutmeg and 1 kg of wheat bread.
Mode of preparation
Cut the meat to bits. Season with salt, garlic cloves and chopped parsley, pepper, cumin and nutmeg. Combine the beaten eggs and bread cut into pieces (without the thickest crusts) and salt. It involves you well. He rests a little and fills his cock, not too much so as not to burst. Bake the opening with a needle and thread. Spread the stick with the palm of your hand. It is put in a pot with boiling water and when it is swollen it is pricked with a needle, not to burst. At that time he takes off the pot, wraps himself in a white cloth and wraps himself with a thread. Return to the pot to finish cooking, continuing to prick with the needle. It takes two to three minutes to cook. Serve it to the slices, cold or fried in butter in very soft fire, and is accompanied with French fries.