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How to get to Fajão
Coordinates GPS
N 40º 8´ 56,12´´ , W 7º 55´ 17´´
See pictures below .
Fig. 1

Fig. 2
Taking into account that Casa da Moita is located in the middle of the mountain, and, for this reason, in some sections of the route some care is necessary given the existence of many curves, we suggest avoiding driving during the night.
Comments (Fig 2):
The alternatives presented are the most viable. If you travel during the day and want to enjoy the landscape that the mountains offers you choose the path with the color blue. This route, as can be deduced, presents many curves from Coimbra to the destination (Fajão).
The route with the black color is advisable, since from Coimbra to Arganil is by fast, being the remaining 22 km by full mountain range with some curves and landscapes of extraordinary beauty
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